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Trial Use

Instruments and bows are available for 7 day trial use.  For instruments picked up in our New Haven location this service is free for 7 days with a valid picture id and a credit card to be kept on file.  If the instrument is kept longer than 7 days a rental fee will be charged daily for any unreturned merchandise.  The daily rental fee is determined by dividing the total cost of merchandise by 365.


Instruments shipped for trial use require full payment on a credit card or PayPal which will be refunded upon the return of the merchandise. Trial use begins the day the item is delivered and must be shipped back on or before 7 days from the date of delivery.  Rental fees apply as above for instruments and bows kept longer than 7 days.  Customer is responsible for all shipping costs incurred including necessary shipping insurance.


The borrower becomes the insurer during the trial use period and holds responsibility for any damage incurred while in their care.  This includes damage incurred on return shipping and failure to properly insure shipments.  Items must be returned in new or same condition in which they were released.

Email us for more information.